I had originally planned to create an edition of unique books using my own handmade paper and bookbinding skills for anyone who desired a copy. However, with the simplicity and flexibility of computers I created a CD, and from that Bill Sauro converted the document into a website.


As for the content, although I tried to remain objective, this is after all a personal effort and contains my own view of shared experiences. My siblings will no doubt disagree with some of my memories but then it’s up to them to add their own interpretations. I would welcome any feedback.


I know that a thorough editing would result in an improvement because some areas are unpolished or even unfinished but after about 4 years, I’ve had enough.


I must acknowledge the work of Silvio who did most of the initial documentation of the family’s statistics for the family tree.


Sylvia Lowry

June 2006


Next:  In the Beginning